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Johnnie Frost 


Johnnie Frost is the President of KinderKids Learning Center, Inc. and is responsible for the oversight of all programs. Johnnie holds a Master of Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama and has several years of early childhood and elementary classroom teaching experience. Her classroom experience coupled with an extensive business background gives the program unique insight into balancing the 

implementation of strong early childhood learning programs with operating a business that values its employees for the remarkable educators they are. 


Mike Frost

Vice President

Mike Frost is the Vice President of KinderKids Learning Center, Inc. His responsibilities include facilities management for all locations including, but not limited to regular maintenance, renovations, and more. Mike is works directly with Johnnie in managing the businesses finances, program implementation, and program planning.


Lindsay Ryan 

Program Director

Lindsay Ryan now serves as our Program Director.  She also serves as the Assistant Director at KinderKids Learning Center County Road 64 Campus. By far, Lindsay’s greatest strength is understanding her team. As a former classroom teacher for over 10 years, Lindsay has unique insight into classroom operations, curriculum implementation, health and safety, and building collaborative partnerships with families. Having experienced these things firsthand, Lindsay is an incredible mentor to her team and can provide them proven strategies for success.


Lindsay is responsible for the day-to-day operations at County Road 64, but also supports the administrative staff at our other locations.  She oversees overall compliance and ensures that our programs are operating at the highest standards. 


Allie Turner

Assistant Director, Friendship Road Campus  

Not only is Allie Turner an Assistant Director, she is also the parent of a beautiful toddler.  It is her unique experience as both mom and employee that allows her to serve our teachers, students, and families daily.  Allie understands the need for quality early childhood education and her prior experience as Assistant Director provides her the knowledge, insight, and expertise to ensure our Friendship location meets all compliance standards daily. 

Jordyn Tucker

Administrative Assistant/Enrollment Coordinator

© KinderKids Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 

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